Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So I just read this article in the New York Times about public transportation in European cities being your best bet when traveling this summer, what with the dollar weeping softly each and every time you trade it in for that more expensive euro model. And it made me miss UBahns and subways and RERS and buses- frankly, I wasn't expecting that. I know I love public transportation, mostly because I'm a cheap ass creeper who loves to watch people, but I didn't think it'd be something I would miss.

It all goes along with my desire to assimilate as much as possible is any place, I suppose. I don't enjoy being a tourist- wearing fanny pack/money pooches, socks with sandals, speaking English loudly, and given the set menu (and not just because I don't eat meat). Public transportation puts you with the people, and makes me feel like I might actually live some place, especially if I'm figuring out the lines and such in another language. Plus, I like puzzles. And those mazes for you pencils that are on the backs of kids menus at restaurants.

I miss Europe. I'm already planning a trip back, which is pawing at becoming a trip to Lebanon, which reflects the fact that I'm working two jobs this summer, and much as I love one (Lush!) and love the tips at another (coffee!...... Dunkin Donuts), it's soul crushing. And hard. And I'm feeling the old anxiety come back. Which found me meditating last night, because my brain started freaking out and I kept fixating on baby chicken bones. Yeah. That's what OCD/anxiety is like.

I'm good though. I have an apartment for next year. A bike I'm saving up for. It stopped raining, and I'll be going for a run. This summer turned itself around nicely.

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posted by Courtney at 5:56 AM |


At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Thanks for writing this.