In other bodily news, I think it's time for me to cut more animal products out of my diet. Since being in Ireland, I've gone back to eating eggs, and I've been eating a lot of cheese. Body= not happy. It's funny, because this strikes me as similar to when I gave up red meat, and after a few months my body couldn't take chicken. I'm not sure how easy/hard this will be, because right now the only alternate protein I've found reasonably priced is tofu, and dried beans. Dried beans are just not the same, and I love beans. I wish I could get nuts reasonably priced somewhere, to just have to throw into things.
At the very least, eggs have got to go (which is a slight shame since I've gotten pretty good at doing that whole fold thing when cooking eggs. FYI- if adding cheese to your eggs, try throwing in a few walnuts, with some thyme and a dash of pepper. It's good). I haven't drunk milk while I'm here, and I don't intend to start. I did get coconut milk though, from the Indian Grocery where I have become the token white girl (who buys a lot of bread), so I look forward to playing around with that.
Continuing the cooking story, last night I made (vegan) latkas (well, potato and carrot and onion silver dollar sized pancakes). It was a grease fest, but they're good. If cooking for me wasn't "well I'll throw a little of that in, and handful- ok, bigger handful- of that, and how about some paprika? Yeah.... let's add lots of paprika!", I'd totally put down the recipe.
Labels: cooking, eyes, vegan/vegetarianism, zombie diseases