iTunes has free language podcasts?! Why has no one told me about this? There is one devoted to GERMAN GRAMMAR. I could have made a world of a better impression on countless (ok, 4) German professors with that information.
I think that might be the future of my education. I took the bit step today and canceled my tourfilterBoston account, and opened up a tourfilterNYC. I think I'm leaning towards taking the fall off and working up money, and by leaning towards that, I mean I'm anywhere near financially stable and will have to.
I'm fine with it. I've gotten sick of higher education- the sheer bureaucracy of all of it. Maybe I came into university with too high expectations, imagining some place where suddenly all the quirks of my mind and my tangential interests would find a place to be nurtured and encouraged, and getting required maths and program lines just failed to compare.
I suppose I can chalk it up to growing up. While it's not quite " 'One day you will do things for me you will not want to do. That is called being a family.' What she does not understand is that I already do things for her I do not want to do. I listen to her when she talks to me. I resist complaining about my pygmy allowance. And did I mention I do not spleen her nearly so much as I desire to? But I do not do those things because we are a family. I do them because they are common decencies. That is an idiom the hero taught me. I do them because I am not a big fucking asshole. That is another idiom the hero taught me." (if I got the quote wrong, sorry. It was all memory). And it's not quite the old guy putting down his beer and saying, "son. I am going to tell you something the like of which has never been told" either.
What it is getting a better feel for Grace, and grace. Understanding Rose better. It's not freedom. It's nothing like freedom, or even security. It's just sort of an understanding, and it only sounds trite when I explain it.
Budapest photos.