Yup. If I were super poetic or something, I would wait until January 1, at least, and make some speech about writing more and such. But that's basically bull.
New plan: next semester I will not be in Boston (yet to be determined where I will be). After that, I'll be doing....something. Pancake tour of North America, maybe. So it reasons out that I should use this to get a word in about where I am. Sort of like Waldo. But with better hats. Granted, it wouldn't be too scandalous cause I saw that Lifetime special about the girl who put naked photos of herself online just for her boyfriend and years later they were still online, only then they were haunting her cause she was all wrinkly and withered and a chain smoker from the stress of being stupid and failed relationships.
Plus, I'm billing myself as the Correspondent from Afar on the BU Central blog (where I totally just went batshit or something on finding music) and I figure... if I'm writing in that, I guess I ought to be writing in here. Theoretically.
Labels: bu central link, overview